Alfa-fix led exam light
- The ALFA-FLEX examination light provides 3 independent LED light sources, which reduces shadows and produces a deep cylindrical light, with highly reduced heat irradiation.
felx led exam light
- Polycarbonate protective shield
- Coinciding lenses
- The lamp is extremely easy to use and manoeuvre, with an additional rotation of the reflector
- The light intensity can be adjusted from 4% to 100% using a touch button
- Flexible arm for easy positioning

Cavalier Exam
- The Cavalier (Ceiling light) is an examination light suitable for the prep room or theatre. The thin dome with two convenient side grips ensures easier positioning and adjustment and reduces overall dimensions
- This lamp offers exceptional technical performance and great operating versatility. It is particularly suitable for minor surgery, gynaecology and emergency room. The dome consists of 28 LED lenses arranged in a radial fashion to suppress shadows and ensure three-dimensional lighting. The modular design of the LEDs ensures light continuity even in the rare case of a fault affecting an individual LED. The high efficiency of the LED sources and the low current absorption permit obtaining very low IR emissions and cold light in the operating field. Light intensity is 120,000 Lux. Focusing and light field adjustment are achieved by turning the central knob. Through a digital membrane, the switch on and switch-off functions can be accessed, the light intensity can be adjusted and the colour temperature can be changed 4500-5000 °K